Monday, August 16, 2010

Press Release from NWFA: NWFA Introduces Consumer Labeling Program

Great news for Consumers! The National Wood Flooring Association has developed an Accepted Product program so that consumers are able to determine and compare performance standards of wood flooring products.

The NWFA has introduced the Accepted Product seal program, which was developed to help consumers identify wood flooring products that meet established minimum standards for performance. Standards are determined for six product categories, each with its own testing requirements and performance criteria. The product categories are abrasives, adhesives, engineered flooring, fasteners, finishes/stains/sealers and underlayments; all evaluations are conducted by third-party testers using specific ASTM/ANSI testing requirements. Participation in the program is voluntary, and NWFA manufacturer members can submit test results to the NWFA for review. If the product is approved, the member must submit an annual licensing fee for use of the NWFA Accepted Product seal, which can be displayed on the product or in literature so consumers can identify it as meeting established industry standards. The seal may be carried for three years, after which new test results must be submitted.

Friday, August 13, 2010

More about Applegate

If you haven't made your way to our website, we encourage you to do so. In the meantime, here is some information about us, Applegate Wood Floors:

We've worked regionally and nationally and have provided our customers with expertise, service and a definitive sense of style. With forty years of combined experience in the industry, we enjoy a solid reputation for over the top performance and first class service going beyond expectation. Applegate Wood Floors, Inc. supplies exclusive wood flooring and custom installation throughout the continental US.

We at Applegate Wood Floors have only two real passions: wood floors and our clients. Thanks to a carefully selected network of manufacturers and suppliers across the U.S., Applegate Wood Floors, Inc. features over 15 wood species in a wide range of widths, finishes and grades to suit any taste and lifestyle. With a solid industry reputation for over-the-top products, performance and price, Applegate Wood Floors, Inc. specializes in serving discriminating clients throughout the continental U.S.

Premium Products... Performance... & Price.

Please visit us anytime at Or call for a Free Estimate so that we can help you get started on the project of your dreams!

Featured Project: Bamboo

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Very Unique Source of Reclaimed Wood Flooring

Fontenay Distinctive Wood Products is the only provider of reclaimed wine barrel flooring and countertops in the world.

Fontenay painstakingly mills wine barrels into three very distinct product lines:

Cooperage product represents the outside of the barrel head with all of its patina, cooperstamps and special markings from Napa wineries.

The Wine Infusion product represents the inside of the barrel where the wood has been naturally stained by the wine during the maturation process.

The Stave material is created using the outer sides of the barrel. Once the hoops are removed, they leave behind distinctive markings and texture.

What they create is gorgeous, unique, and environmentally friendly. Check out Fontenay for more pictures of their amazing flooring creations.